A River Runs Through It!

Truly twins

But with different minds

And colors lie behind

The wicked mind

Years surpassed

But still whopp'in on your ass

Can't hit it wit a stick

Yet it will pick and pick

A river runs through it

An Olympic swimmer couldn't cross it

Turning their head, people toss rocks in it

Divided we stand

Fight'in the tides

Intwined lovers drown


People try to construct a bridge

While ignorant asses frown

Toss another rock...

This shits poppy cock

What else can we do

But sit on the dock

Tossing rocks

Yin Watching lovers intwined drown Yang


A river runs through it

This poem ©Copyright 1997 by Brittnay Woodward.
This webpage and HTML designed by AlcoRhythm of The Problem.