The Problem is always doing lots of stuff at the same time (multitasking).
Info about their musical projects can be found here.
- New MP3
A massive three new MP3 files have been added to the page, and more
will follow!
- Tao's Top Ten now removed! Finally, after successfully not updating it for
as long as it existed. We will look for something to replace it with.
The biggest effort goes into creating new songs. Next to that, AlcoRhythm
has released an awfully sexy Realtime CS1x Editor for Amiga. It is available from
the transfer station of this site. Work is underway to release a second version
of the editor with even more control over the greatest blue machine in the
world! The other 'big' project in midi would be the sequencer we have
planned. It's still no more than a plan. It will probably stay that way,
because other things keep coming up.
- Bars, Pipes, Midi and Amiga
AlcoRhythm's page about the Amiga's number one MIDI sequencer
'Bars & Pipes Professional'
had proven to be pretty popular. Much positive response was received,
and therefore AlcoRhythm is planning to bring you a sequal to this page.
A more in-depth view of the program, probably in tutorial style.
It can go any other way though, because there are plans for all kinds
of info-pages on MIDI.
- Project BEEP
You may believe it or not, but AlcoRhythm has written a working version of a
realtime MIDI-controlled groovebox emulator. It squeezes out some of the
most awsame soundwaves you can imagine! It's not a real 303, but it does
have some ambitions to become one! Use your amiga as a
synthesizer/groovebox... it's never been possible before. Anyway, it's all
still in a test phase, and it will stay that way for quite some time, until
AlcoRhythm has made up his mind about what he wants to do with the program!